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Young Adults See Opportunity to Monetize Gaming Skills During Pandemic

July 30, 2020

Americans are certainly taking notice of the multi-million-dollar prize pots offered by the elite esports tournaments and want a slice of the action, according to a new survey from Stakester, the world’s first mobile-based competition platform across esports and sports where players compete for prizes including money.

The 1,000+ person study of UK and US adults delivered insight into the gaming habits of people to understand how COVID-19 and stay at home orders have affected them as well as their outlook on esports and gambling. It also looked at financial impact and their interest in looking at gaming as a potential source of revenue.

“We can see that employment has been disrupted across age groups but there’s real interest and urgency in to supplement current income with younger audiences and many are interested in doing it through gaming,” Stakester CEO Tom Fairey said. “The 18-35s appear to be the sweet spot for combined interest in developing a ‘side hustle’ along with the need to generate extra income. The Pandemic has absolutely put gaming front and center and people from casual players to brands to VCs are taking notice.”

Top takeaways include:

  • 66% of people are actively looking to supplement or replace lost income, highest among 18-34
  • 78% of respondents are gaming more in the pandemic
  • Of people gaming more, 58% said it’s to connect with friends, 54% because they have more time for it and 52% to help them escape reality
  • 39% of respondents say their gaming habits have changed for good
  • 76% of people would like more opportunities to monetize their gaming skills
  • 46% said they would rely on gaming to generate extra income

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About Stakester:
Founded in 2019, Stakester is a global competition enablement platform that supports both Esports and ‘IRL’ Sports. Its mission is for all competitors to be able to back themselves and earn money from their hard-earned skills. The company promotes three core beliefs – Back Yourself, Power Comes from Community, and Gambling is Stupid. The team is co-located across London and NYC. Download us in the Android and Apple app stores.

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About the author


Stakester connects players who want to put their hard-earned skills to the ultimate test – by playing their favourite games for money and prizes.